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CFGC Awards

Prize Badge
CFGC Awards

First, second, third, and honorable mention(s) certificates may be given when merited for all awards except as indicated.




“Helen Clifford” Civic Development Award

1. Civic Development

May be awarded to a club for distinguished civic work or conservation work making permanent improvements for public benefit. This may be a completed project or one that needs “seed money.”


There may be 3 cash prizes:

  • 1st prize = $300.00

  • 2nd prize = $200.00

  • 3rd prize = $100.00

If the project is canceled or voided, then all funds must be returned to the CFGC Treasurer.


The Book of evidence MUST include the following information:

  •   The goal of the project and the beneficiary

  •   Photographs of the site before, during, and after the project

  •   A scaled landscape plan, including a list of all materials

  •   Plans for implementation, project start, and completion date

  •   Club’s contribution to the project (which may be funds and/or labor)

  •   Budget – include donations of goods or labor and costs


This project may take more than one season; however, it is required that the CFGC Awards Chairman be kept apprised of the progress or completion.

Achievement Awards

2. Special Achievement Certificates

May be awarded for outstanding garden club work that is not provided for in another CFGC award to:

  • A. Member garden clubs

  • B. Individual members

  • C. Associations


3. CFGC Presidential Citation

May be awarded by the CFGC president to a member, club, or district who has contributed outstanding work for CFGC. Chosen by the CFGC President, no application is needed.


4. CFGC President’s Project

May be awarded to a member, club, or district for the project that best emphasizes the project of the Colorado Federation President. The CFGC president will notify each Club President of her (his) project at the beginning of their term of office.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00

  • The 2nd place entry will be awarded $25.00


5. National President’s Project

May be awarded to a member, club, or district for the project that best emphasizes the project(s) of the NGC President. As this will change with every term, details will be available after the NGC Convention in the odd-numbered year.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


6. Conservation

Educational or legislative activity in conservation field projects, natural resource development, such as a watershed, erosion control, reforestation, or wildlife refuge.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


7. Pollinators

May be awarded to a member garden club, or a group of clubs that does the most to help birds, butterflies, bees, bats, and other pollinators through support and/or education. The placement of houses/boxes improving habitat, reducing pesticides, establishing gardens, and nest watching is encouraged.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $25.00


8. Garden Therapy

May be awarded to a member club, or clubs, for sponsoring an outstanding program of garden therapy to benefit members of an at-risk population, disability access, meditation, challenged community center or specialized medical center.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


9. Historic Preservation

May be awarded to a member club, or clubs, for completion of a historic preservation project, such as the restoration of a park, a building, and/or garden of importance to the heritage of a particular locality, state or nation. Landscape plans and before-and-after photos must be included.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


10. Award of Excellence

A Certificate of Merit may be awarded to a non-member of CFGC who has made a significant contribution toward the advancement of the goals and purposes of CFGC and NGC.

Horticulture Awards

11. Literary Production of Horticultural Interest

May be awarded to any literary production of horticultural interest. May be distributed to club members or the public and be used for Membership, Project, Publicity, Program, or Club events. Books or publications by Authors must have the Publication Release Form #4 with the application.


12. Garden Club Program

May be awarded for the most outstanding year’s garden club program of activities on growing, studying, identification and culture of plants, propagation, pruning, fertilizers and/or insects; exhibits and displays, growing and showing new introductions and unusual plants. Club study of one plant family; member participation in public horticulture studies, etc.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $25.00.


13. Outstanding Horticulturist

May be awarded to the person judged to have done outstanding work in the field of horticulture in Colorado during the current year.

  • *This recipient does not have to be a member of a Federated Club but must be nominated by a CFGC member.

Landscape Design Awards

14.  Significant Contribution to Landscape Design

May be awarded to the member garden club which has made the most significant contribution in providing planning and planting for the public interest.  The Book of Evidence should include the landscape plan.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


15.  Native Plants

A Certificate of Merit may be given to the garden club that establishes, maintains, restores or contributes to a local garden with emphasis on Native plant material. To include memorial, historic or the Girl Scout badge qualification program.

  • The 1st place entry will be awarded $25.00


16.  Organic Gardening  

A certificate of Merit will be given to the 1st place entry that emphasizes and employs the use of organic materials, methods, and practices in a project or educational activity by a member club or group of clubs.

Roadside Awards

17.  Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker Landscape Project or Blue Star Memorial Byway Project

May be awarded to a club, or clubs for the most outstanding completed Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker or Byway landscape project.

  •  The 1st place entry will be awarded $25.00.


18.  Gold Star Marker

May be awarded to a club or clubs for the most outstanding completed Gold Star Memorial project.
The 1st place entry will be awarded $25.00.

Membership Awards

19. Membership Promotion

A certificate of Merit will be given to the first-place entry for the most innovative activity or program to increase public visibility, awareness, and membership in a garden club. Including events, programs, public outings, and booths at festivals, fairs, or conventions. Must include Release Form #4 with the application.


20.  Increase in membership award

A Certificate of Merit will be given to individual clubs whose membership increased.  The increase in membership is calculated by all paid memberships from June 1 to March 1, annually.

  • CFGC Membership Chair and Assistant Treasurer must notify the Awards Chairman of Clubs that qualify.

  • No application or Book of evidence is needed.


21.  Hundred Percent State Life Memberships

May be awarded to a member club having 100% of its listed members as State Life Members.  Send award application to State Life Membership Chairman.  Application for this award must include club roster and the date of issue for each State Life Membership as shown on the member’s card.


22. New Clubs

May be awarded to the district, club(s), and or individual bringing one or more new clubs into the CFGC.  The sponsoring party is to notify the Membership Chairman.

23. New Club Achievement Award

Awarded to a newly established club after their second year of membership in CFGC.  A garden club President’s pin is to be awarded to the club, to be passed from President to President.  It is obligation of the Club to notify the Membership Chairman that this award is due.

24. Lyn Verretta Heart Warmer Award

This program recognizes outstanding dedication and efforts of garden club members for work directly related to the functions and activities of the club.  Each club may designate one person by the March Board meeting.  Requirements of the nominee are paid dues to the club for a minimum of three years, outstanding dedication to the club and a person whose actions “warm the hearts” of club members. Use the Heart Warmer Award Application form # 3 and include a short paragraph of the nominee’s accomplishments.

Publication Awards

24. Certificate of Merit for Yearbooks

A Certificate of Merit will be given for promoting the sponsoring organization.

Two copies must be submitted by the March Board meeting. One for CFGC and one to go to RMR Awards Chair if applicable. Include the completed Yearbook Evaluation application form #1 which the Awards Committee will use to judge the entries. Certificates will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category.

a. Member clubs under 20 members
b. Member clubs 21-29 members
c. Member clubs 30-44 members
d. Member clubs 45 – 69 members


The first-place entry in each category will be submitted to RMR for consideration by the Regional Awards Committee.


26. Newsletters

A Certificate of Merit may be awarded to a Club for a Newsletter (printed or by electronic device) demonstrating club interest and activities – not to exceed six (6) pages. At least six newsletters should be submitted with each issue published within the current club year. Include the Publication Release Form #4.

"e" Awards

27. Website

A Certificate of Merit will be given to the 1st place Website promoting the sponsoring organization.  No Book of Evidence is needed. Use the application form  to list the website address and the webmaster or business editor.


28. Social Media

A Certificate of Merit will be given for promoting the sponsoring organization. Highlighting CFGC and NGC objectives on a Social Media Platform.

i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumbler, etc.

Use the Social Media Evaluation form # 2 to guide your application and list the name of the Site with the Administrator and/or Editor.

  • “e” Award Certificates will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries.


Youth Awards

29. Youth Garden Club Work

Certificate of Merit to the Junior, Intermediate, and High School clubs which through their own effort have been most successful in promoting all phases of garden club work.


30. Working with Youth

May be awarded to a member or sponsor garden club that contributes the most outstanding service toward the promotion of gardening among youth, based on the belief that to develop future horticulturists and conservationists as their attention needs to be inspired and encouraged early. This may be a “youth club” or a one-time “youth project”

The 1st place entry will be awarded $50.00.


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